Monday, December 15, 2014

Spreadsheets for the Teens!

There are a lot of ways for teens, like myself, could use a spreadsheet. One way is they could use graphs and pie charts to help with their school work. A second way is that they could use the spreadsheet is by making time schedules for themselves instead of a calender. The third way is using it as a organizer on where things should go as well. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Say "No" to Cyberbullying

If my friend was cyber-bullied my first suggestion would be to tell an adult or their parents that is currently with them at the time. Secondly I would suggest that the immediately stop the conversation, log out and don't touch the computer until the matter is solved. Thirdly, pick and chose your friends wisely on the Internet. The Internet it filled with people you do not want to get involved with. Fourthly, Pick your battles correctly. If someone starts to argue, be the bigger person and resolve the situation. If they don't want to resolve it, leave them be. Lastly, if you don't follow the other suggestions and want to try it on your own, no matter what happens, handle it with are and be mature. Don't throw insults and make it the matter worse, or there will be consequences. 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Is the Internet safe?

The Internet is a place where you can roam and be free with yourself. Not to have any worries with life or anyone. Then again, is that really okay? Today, About 30% of Americans use the Internet. That may not sound a lot but it is increasing rapidly by 200%. In that saying, I believe that the Internet should not be governed in any way, shape, or form. Everyone needs that little place to relax without the government shoving their way into other's business.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

About Patricia

Hello, my name is Patricia! I love anime, cooking, and photography!

I know that computers are software and hardware devices. Computers are something that not everyone can use because of the difficulty  a computer can become.

What I want to know about computers are:
Why can computers so easily to get infected?
How can a person build a computer form scratch?
